Queen Boya - 女王博雅 (CG)


Queen Boya - 女王博雅 (CG)

Boya, born in aristocracy since childhood, is the jewel of all people. The residents of the entire city take care of Boya in every way, so as to indirectly cultivate the proud character of Boya, even crowned himself with the title of [Queen]. In all areas, Boya does not allow a nobler and more gorgeous presence than itself. Even on the court, Boya can stand out in every place.

從小出生在貴族中的博雅,是所有人的掌上明珠,整座城市的居民無不對博雅百般呵護,以 至於間接培育出博雅的高傲性格,甚至為自己冠上了【女王】的封號。在所有領域中博雅都 不允許有比自己更高貴和華麗的存在,即使是在球場上,博雅也能在各個地方都能嶄露頭角 。